About Us



Hi there, Carol here, and WELCOME to our website.  As I reflect on who I am, I am unsure where to begin.  I am currently a 59-year-old educator, and I am in my second-lifetime career. In my life, I have progressed from Systems Analyst in a large multi-national insurance company, all the while studying for my dream career of teaching, obtained a Master’s Degree in English with a Secondary Education emphasis, to teaching 6th grade language arts at one of the premier school districts in the United States.

I began teaching middle school in 2003, and am still very passionate about education.  In the last two years I have found another passion.  Being and helping other people to be beautiful, both inside and out!  Along with my LipSense and Red Aspen distributorships, I also love helping people with the very problems I too have faced with regard to attitude and relationships.

I am now a very passionate teacher of sixth graders as well as passionate about beauty, my independent distributorships, and helping other people.  As a result, I’ve found that I am able to be passionate about much more…new friends, learning more about myself than ever before, and setting new goals at the age of 58.

My lovely wife and I, soulmates!


At this writing, I am 63 years young and enjoying that next big life transition…retirement.  It seems like the last sixty years have flown by, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down one bit.

I do Handyman and HVAC sidework for friends and family, I host several websites as well as helping out with our favorite charity, The Suddenly Pink Foundation.   I’ve been able to work on some hardware that orbits other planets, owned my own business, pursued educational goals and saw them come to fruition in different career paths.

So I’ve been a busy guy.  A I look back Carol and I have had a great life, accomplished lots, and had the opportunity to be part of some really great people’s lives.


We created this website to assist couples in working through a few of the problems that we have encountered as couples ourselves.

Through all of those accomplishments, we’ve certainly enjoyed life including all the ups and downs!


The people we want to help are our peers, anyone who seeks to have a better relationship with the other half.  Anyone who wants to find THEIR better half.  We want to help them find happiness individually as well as in relationships.  That is why we want to give our peers BOTH sides of a relationship.

If we can understand the other perspective, we can understand ourselves better.  We find there are lots of people out there who would love another opinion on happenings in their own lives.


Our goal is it help you through the uncertainty of relationships by offering some ideas and options to help you through the tough parts as we are working through it alongside you. We’ll be there for discussion as well as advice on different aspects of the positive side of life and maybe through that, we’ll all succeed in LOVING OUR LIVES!

All the best,

Carol and Steve