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How To Be Positive In Life

Staying positive in life can mean the difference between handling the ups and down of life and allowing the Ups to be consumed by the Downs. So how does one stay positive? First you must surround yourself with people who are also positive, because positivity isn’t an attitude, it’s a way of life.

Hanging around negative people, more effectively than hanging around positive people, influences your attitude negatively. Remember the old retail saying, “A happy customer will tell one person, an unhappy customer will tell 10.” There is a reason for that, and the fact that you can remember every negative situation in your life, but very few positive situations.

The reason is survival.

If you see your fellow mouse BFF get eaten, you’ll remember to stay away from where or what ate her for the rest of your life. Whereas food and fun will be found in many many places, and that memory will only last until the food and the fun is gone from that place. Being on the beach, enjoying life ten years ago, is hard to remember without a picture of the beach. But stepping on the dead swollen jellyfish that scared you to Kingdom Come fifteen years ago on a totally different beach is still foremost on your mind. One cannot just decide to be positive, one must live the positivity day to day, so when a Down comes knocking on your door, you have the tools to work through it.


What ARE tools? Tools are the perspectives we have on how we should conduct ourselves in any given situation. For instance, if we have the proper tools concerning honesty we’ll more likely be naturally honest in situations where honesty or dishonesty could be exercised.

If we have the correct tools on how to handle violent situations, we’ll be more likely not to join in the violence when offered. Not only can these tools prevent us from engaging in negative behavior, but can go so far as to be able to help other people through the situation.

These tools are numerous and tell us how to conduct our day to day lives, from how to be in relationships to how to love another person. All three of the long term relationships you’ve had needed more and better tools. And as we go through life we acquire some of those tools. How do you get the rest of the tools you need, even though you have NO idea what those tools are?

Read positive books.

There are some amazing authors out there like Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Jack Canfield who write some great books on staying positive as well as turning a negative life around. The premise that you can attract positivity to your life really is true, and only the negative people will tell you it isn’t. They haven’t learned what you are learning.

As you place yourself in the company of your positive friends, not only do you acquire the attitude of “I can do this” but opportunities to prove that pops up just because THEY can see those opportunities in front of you. Sooner or later, you acquire their ability to see the opportunity yourself! Positivity does feed on itself but you have to consciously nurture it until it becomes natural. Negativity is the default. If you don’t make the conscious effort, negativity will reside fat, dumb and happy wherever it isn’t challenged.

Here you are going to be a positive person and you tell all your friends. The positive ones all say good for you. The negative ones squeal to high heaven. Why? Because they don’t want to be left behind, they are in their little negative corner of the world and they not only do not want to get out of it, but they want YOU to stay there with them. “That staying positive crap doesn’t work, because as soon as you try to be positive, something bad happens.” What they don’t tell you is, anything that happens, can be turned into one of the most positive situations imaginable just by looking for the opportunity.

Easier said than done, you say. Well, breast cancer for a good friend prompted her to start a non-profit foundation for breast cancer victims. That in turn has already helped dozens of fellow survivors and family members alike to recognize they CAN make a difference within their community. And the foundation, called SuddenlyPiNK.ORG is still in its infancy.

To get your journey started to the positive side of life, here are seven highly recommended books to start the process, something to start the Ferris wheel of a happier life to start turning. These are in no particular order, some are older books but still relevant, others are more recent additions. And of course if you click on the titles, you’ll be taken over to where you can read more about them and purchase them.

  1. Your Erroneous Zones. By Wayne Dyer
  2. When I Say No, I Feel Guilty. By Manuel J. Smith
  3. Women Who Think Too Much. By Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
  4. You Are A Badass. By Jen Sincero
  5. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff, By Richard Carlson, PH.D.
  6. The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People. By Stephen Covey.
  7. The Success Principles. By Jack Canfield

The following list of books is more specifically about relationships, although you can love your life without a mate, as well as have a wonderful life with a mate.

  1. Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. By, John Gray, PH.D.
  2. Why Men Love Bitches. By Sherry Argov
  3. Hold Me Tight. By Dr. Sue Johnson
  4. Girl, Wash Your Face. By Rachel Hollis

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Stay tuned, more to come!!!

Images courtesy Pexel.